Red cabbage Remoulade

1x head of poached celeriac ( sliced julien )
200g red cabbage ( julien )
2x shallots ( julien )
3x tbsp of chopped parsley
8x cloves of garlic ( chopped and mashed)
2x tbsp of fresh horseradish ( grated )
2x tbsp Savora mustard
2x tbsp of mashed / chopped capers
Juice of one lemon
1x tsp of salt
1x tsp of celery salt
1x tbsp of sugar
1x tsp of smoked paprika
500g of mayonnaise

Slice and poached celeriac and courgette. and poach in simmer water for approx 3min, move to ice cold water, drain and leave to cool. 
Squeeze the water from poached vegetables.

Slice onion and prep garlic, mix rest of the ingredients add celeriac and courgette.


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