
9 x aubergine 
1x head of garlic 
1x tbs celery salt
1x tbs smoked paprika
100g tahini
200ml olive oil 
Salt to taste
1x lemon 
Agave syrup

Spike the aubergine with a fork, sliced lengthwise and sprinkle with salt, that way we will take out all the water from a aubergine. Place in the strainer or kitchen towel and leave for 1 hour.

Mix all dry ingredients in the bowl with the lemon juice, oil and tahini and set a side.

Drizzle the aubergine with agave syrup or honey and roast in the oven with the pilled garlic 15-20min on 180c . Take out of the oven and leave to cool down.
When ready scoop out all the flesh with a spoon and add to the spices and oil. Pick the garlic from tray and blend all together until smooth paste. 

For extra flavour add smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, garam masala or any spices you like.


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